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How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep Away from Home

There is nothing quite like the comfort and familiarity of your own bed, especially after a long trip. But, you don't need to suffer while you're apart from your loving mattress. Here are our tips for getting a good night's sleep away from home.

Pick a Good Place

The best hotel for you isn't necessarily the one with the best Yelp reviews. Research things like nearby construction, street lamps outside of the window, or highway traffic. If you're staying with friends or family, that might not be an option, but remember that you can always ask detailed questions on travel sites. Also, talk to someone at the hotel about what you'd like out of your room. If the option is available to you, higher off of the ground (farther from traffic noise), away from the pool (especially if it's busy at night), and in the middle of a hallway (avoiding ice machines and stairwells) is always the best option.

Sleep Aids

Old standbys like a sleep mask and foam earplugs can help you rest well, especially if you're used to using them already. You can also try any number of phone apps that produce white noise or fan sounds while you're drifting off. 

Manage the Environment

Keep your surroundings as familiar as possible. Things like a picture of your family or something that generates a familiar scent (a favorite tea perhaps) can help dissipate that feeling of being away from your own space. The more at-home and protected you feel, the more likely you are to sleep well. 

Bring Your Own Pillow

This is part of managing your environment, but it's important enough that it merits its own discussion. Your pillow has a lot to do with how you sleep and with how good that sleep is. Everything from the firmness to the fact that it smells like home can help you get a good night's rest. If you don't have room in your luggage for an entire pillow (which is fair), consider at least bringing your own pillowcase. You can also talk to your hotel about the number and type of pillows that are available. You can always ask for more.

Try a light snack

A small snack can help you settle in. You should never go to bed on an empty stomach, but you don't want a huge meal, either. Try and keep it around 200 calories. Another good idea is having something warm to drink. Non-caffeinated beverages like milk or chamomile tea are best.

Follow General Sleep Advice

There are plenty of articles about how to get a good night's sleep even in familiar surroundings, and they say a lot of the same things. Avoid screens for an hour or two before bed; The light can affect your brain's perception of what time it is. Do physically-relaxing things like yoga or meditation. Hide all electronic lights including the blinking of your charging phone and laptop. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and cigarettes. Try to work out a routine at home first, and follow it when you're away. Our bodies are great listeners when it comes to muscle memory.


Last Updated: August 02, 2016