You know this scarred a kid or two for life.

Santa got run over by an… airplane? Interesting take on the infamous Christmas song. It looks like Saint Nick is taking Grandma’s place and taking the brunt of a hit-and-run, which is unfortunate for him and Santa believers. This is sure to ruin any child's Christmas.
Any kid who saw Santa flattened by this plane was probably scarred for life, and their childlike wonder for the holidays came to an end—a traumatizing experience for the children but a funny yet awkward conversation for the parents. Imagine you’re flying to see family for the holidays, and instead of seeing a very much alive Santa, there’s one flattened like a pancake outside your window.
I hope mom has a sense of humor...

The utter shame and embarrassment that would likely overcome any person upon seeing this is laughable from an outsider. But if this was our family…well, let’s just say we would walk in the opposite direction. Even that man in the background is intrigued to see the alleged felon; we only hope he’s not an undercover cop.
Despite the inevitable mortification from seeing these signs, at least it’s sure to give any and everyone a good laugh. Everyone passerby is exhausted from a chaotic travel day, so if they were to see this, maybe their day would have been slightly better. It’s also going to turn heads; it’s not often you’re in the same vicinity as a criminal, and everyone was probably asking themselves what this mom could have possibly done.
Looks like you don't need a tank for sensory deprivation.

It’s odd. You would want to be seated next to this guy because he’s likely going to be quiet and prioritize his sleep. But imagine waking up next to this on a cramped plane–you’ll get nightmares from the sight. In the dark of a small space, you won’t be able to determine what you’re looking at, and then you’ll falsely call the flight attendant looking like a hooligan.
Disregarding the unusual appearance, he’s being practical and efficient. Sure, it’s a weird sight, but when you’re easily overstimulated, exhausted, and simply want some sleep, you gotta do what you gotta do. There’s no judgment from us, but do keep the snoring to a minimum. We all need sleep.
Conclusive proof that airports hate us and actively try to make us miserable.

That’s an unfortunate sight. You’re already tired, annoyed, and overwhelmed from a chaotic and busy traveling day. Then you see this after finally being able to use the bathroom after hours of holding it…it’s okay, you can start spiraling. An airport is one of the places you don’t want to have to share a bathroom…or is that any place?
This bathroom that looks like it’s in a dingy prison will raise suspicions. We don’t blame you if you walked in, saw what it looked like, and instantly turned around. I feel such remorse for the parents with young kids; they don’t have another option if the kid is screaming and crying because they haven’t relieved themselves in hours. Let’s hope we don’t find ourselves in the airport with this unseemly bathroom.
But who would want to claim them?

Why is this sign so ominous? It looks like those dingy signs in front of motels with blinking, fading lights, and the glow is a very interesting yellow color. I can even see that aforementioned yellow color peeking through in the corner. When going to pick up your luggage, your anxiety will probably rise, and the air will shift as if you just walked down a dark alley.
You’d honestly be lucky even to find your bags. From looking at the sign, it looks like your luggage would be lost to a dark abyss, never to be seen again. And what is with the abnormally large letter D? I’m assuming it’s the gate letter, but why is it so…enormous?
A plane isn't the only way to go airborne.

Guys, settle down this isn’t the circus! Is this really necessary? Of all the places they could decide to start their acrobatic passion career, they choose the airport. It’s definitely going to fascinate some people while annoy others. You have to admit, it is pretty impressive. I mean, the guy is reading while holding up an entire person!
I guess they also couldn’t wait to be airborne and decided to take matters into their own hands. They were so close yet so far. But they did intrigue some people; the guy with the glasses is fascinated enough that he had to take out his phone and video. While others look like they could care less and just want to go home or whatever destination they’re traveling to.
It's the opposite of follow your nose...

What an interesting choice of words. It makes sense for the context of the sign, but doesn’t it sound strange as you’re reading it? Instead of the common phrase to “follow your nose,” this is the opposite. You definitely don’t want to be using your nose in this situation.
The sign can be interpreted in different ways. Somebody has probably read the sign and started walking backward. Or someone was rushing to find the bathroom, read this wild sign, and immediately took a U-turn. If you listen for it, you can still hear the screech of their shoes.
They put so much effort into this, and the dogs won't even notice.

Is this bathroom specifically for dogs? And why is there a fire hydrant inside? Maybe it’s for owners and their pets so they can both use the bathroom without having to do it in different places. Hitting two birds with one stone. Is it efficient? Yes, but is it strange? Also yes.
Even though this is a wild thing to put in an airport bathroom, it is pretty funny. If an owner were to bring their dog to this bathroom, the canine might get spooked from walking in on another dog doing its business. The dog won’t appreciate the comical effort because they’ll be too busy deciding what to do about their unfortunate situation. It’ll be funny for the owner but awkward for the dog.
No socks? No problem!

Oh my, that is a jumpscare. It’s times like these that really make you question humankind’s common sense. Who in their right mind would think this is okay to do in public? They had latex gloves in their luggage but no socks? It’s not making much sense, and I can’t help but question this person’s sanity.
Even though it is a very wild and horrifying thing to see at an airport, they had to think on the fly so they could get on their plane. Sure, it almost looks like mangled chicken feet that happen to be blue, but you can’t say they aren’t quick-witted.
Maybe just leave the fish at home next time?

So, are we bringing fish to the airport instead of dogs now? That smell will permeate everything in its vicinity, and then you and your luggage will become its own fish tank. People’s heads will turn, and their noses will scrunch up in disgust when you walk by. No one wants to experience that unless you’re one of the few with a pet fish.
We know this is probably for people bringing fish back from a country for food purposes, but surely the animal isn’t that good. But if you’re dying to try some fish cuisine, this office is ready to inspect your specimen. Let us know if the inspector looks like a scientist with gloves, pointy tools, and goggles.
Someone's either getting a raise or getting fired...

It’s a party airplane! This would be fun to see on a long and exhausting travel day. If it raised some low spirits, then hopefully, whoever thought of this will get a raise. Although it may have raised spirits a little too high that the plane became a rowdy one…then whoever did this may have gotten fired.
Is this wild, or is it fun and exciting? We’d say it calls for a good time. People on this plane will be ready to depaaaaarty to George Washington’s state. The journey will be fun, but the destination may be a little mediocre. Hopefully, this funny gag will lift some spirits and make people’s day.
Naomi Campbell says, "Go big or go home."

Naomi Campbell in a hazmat suit…that’s one of those things that no one would believe unless you had proof. It sounds like something that would randomly appear in a dream. But Naomi was indeed in an airport with a hazmat suit on. We have no idea why that is, but we feel like we’re being left out of something important.
Firstly, we have many questions. Why a hazmat suit? Is there a global outbreak we should be aware of? And of all people infamous fashion model Naomi Campbell? Maybe she’s trying a new look: a plague or zombie outbreak getup. Whatever the reasons, she turned heads in the airport and raised suspicions.
Better safe than sorry, I guess.

You’d rather be safe than sorry, right? I guess the pilot needed a reminder in case they had a brain fart about which way a plane goes. However, the reminder wouldn’t really work since it’s outside and out of the pilot's vision. Maybe they have a framed photo of the plane in the cockpit, so they’ll never forget the basics of their job.
This is a wild and honestly concerning thing to see at an airport. Imagine you’re sitting in the plane and seeing this outside the window. Your anxiety will go up because you’ll start to overthink and worry that you have a pilot who can’t remember which way is up or down.
No mask? Try a water jug!

During the COVID-19 outbreak, people used many interesting things for masks, but this one takes the cake. Can she even see out of it? It probably hinders her breathing more than a mask would, and she’s most likely squinting even to see an inch in front of her.
Yes, it’s a wild thing to see in an airport, but it’s a hilarious sight. Look at the people in the background with smiles on their faces. It’s obviously giving them a good laugh and giving us one, too. The water jug is tall, so hopefully, when she boards the plane, she won’t lose her mask when it hits the ceiling. We don’t want a panic in a small, enclosed space.
What it feels like waiting in a long security line.

You really do feel like you’re in prehistoric times when you stand in the security line. That’s when you stand for hours, and by the end of it, you feel like this guy: dead, tired, brittle, and hungry. The meteor already soared by, hit the Earth, wiped out an entire species, and you’re still waiting in that line.
But we are questioning why T-rex bones are exhibited in an airport. It’s not like he can go anywhere, least of all up. He wouldn’t even fit into an airplane. Maybe the head of the airport just loves dinosaurs, and we can’t blame them. Dinosaurs are cool! This T-Rex will leave a few kids in wonder and in a good mood upon boarding a flight.
I can't bring toothpaste on a plane, but a bullhorn is a-okay?

What could she possibly need a bullhorn for? Does she have an important statement to announce? It’s a great way to tell people to move out of your way. If you’re about to miss your flight, just bring a bullhorn and yell at people. Not only is it a wild thing to bring to an airport, but it’s not something everyone has simply lying around.
Oddly, you can’t bring toothpaste on an airplane, but you can bring a bullhorn. Perfect for yelling at slow people, being annoying to everyone, and yelling at workers if they make even the slightest mistake. Or if your flight gets canceled, bring out a bullhorn, and the worker will instantly be intimidated. You’ll be on a flight in no time.
It's never a bad time to learn CPR!

Have you ever thought about learning CPR but just haven’t had the time? Well, now’s your chance. Go to this airport, search for this oddly placed CPR on-the-go machine, and boogie down with the automated instructions. Who knows, you might end up saving a life because you decided to take CPR lessons from a machine at an airport.
Maybe by the end of it, you’ll be in the same groovy position as the guy on the screen. Not only will you be informed and educated, but it appears you’ll be having a good time. You might look strange to passersby at the airport, but at least you’re finally getting those lessons in. Just don’t call out that you’re a doctor if anyone is in need of one on the plane.
Are they timing you?

Do they have a Peeping Tom timing people? It’s a cute section dedicated to heartfelt emotions and farewells, but then you have the subtle threat that if you go above three minutes, you’re in trouble. Who doesn’t love love? And wouldn’t that be an awkward situation to break up?
Does the Peeping Tom walk up to the interlocked couple and push them away from each other? That’s a way to get hit or yelled at. Couples probably don’t kiss for three straight minutes, but the fact that someone felt the need to make this sign says otherwise. I think the person timing the couples has seen too much affection and doesn’t have enough of it, that he became a Scrooge of love.
It looks like Hell finally got an airport.

Great heavens, that’s a sight. That has no place in an airport, or anywhere for that matter, besides an abandoned cathedral haunted by spirits. It looks like the statues will move at any minute, and that’s when you run and never look back. At this point, forget the trip and leave the airport.
Either someone is worshipping some evil entity, or they’re storing some horrifying statues that they bought off of Craigslist. Whatever the reason may be, keep them faaaar away from me. Imagine seeing this as you’re walking to your flight gate; you’ll be shocked, terrified, and unsure if you should even get on the plane.
When you gotta go...

It is an interesting and funny way to label the bathrooms. And we’ve all been in their situations. Holding your bladder for hours, finally being able to use it, but the bathroom is occupied, so you have to suffer for a few minutes more. These doors shouldn’t be hard to find if you desperately need the bathroom. You’ll see yourself in them!
They also might make your bladder worse. You’ll rush to find the bathroom, and when you see a door depicting your current situation, you might chuckle or laugh. The need to use the restroom and laughter are not a good combo. You’ll be left worse than when you found the restroom.
You better watch out or he'll steal your bags.

Ummmm, what is that?! I’m terrified more than anything. Is it supposed to spew out luggage? If so, I think whoever thought of this figured it would intrigue people, but it definitely scared many children, probably adults, too. It’s something wild for sure, especially for an airport.
After getting off a cramped aircraft, this isn’t something you would want to see. In fact, it’ll probably give you nightmares. You’re already exhausted from a travel day, so seeing this will make you think you’re hallucinating. When you see your luggage leave this strange man’s mouth, run quickly to pick it up and hightail it out of there.
Safe and fashionable, all in one!

Chic, safe, and runway worthy! She’s ready for a good and safe time. You might think travel is unsafe during a disease outbreak, but this woman had a travel plan and didn’t let anything interfere with it. Wearing a full coverage suit and high heels to finish it off, she’s prepared for whatever event or fun she’s about to have.
Not to mention her animal print luggage. Even if she didn’t have the heels on, her luggage gave away her fashionable taste. She may be stared at with confusion and judgment, but she’s in her own world in the airport. A safe, fun, and stylish world!
A majestic beast in its natural habitat.

Folks, if you look straight ahead, you’ll see a wild animal in its natural habitat. A giraffe? Or is it a leopard? Regardless, it’s bathing in the luminescent, yellow glow of airport lights, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of its fellow travelers, and resting to prepare for a long and exhausting travel day.
Okay, I digress. It’s not a wild animal, but the sight is just as wild. Maybe she forgot to do laundry before going to the airport, and an animal onesie was the only thing she had left. It’s not the ideal clothing for an airport; you’re bound to get hot, and it’ll be a journey to take the thing off so you can use the restroom. At least she looks comfortable.
Don't pretend like you don't see it too!

Airports are known for their unique and sometimes eye-catching designs—everything from sleek modern terminals to art installations that make you stop and think. But every once in a while, a structure comes along that gives you pause for an entirely different reason. Take, for instance, this curiously shaped creation.
At first glance, it might remind you of something more suited to a different kind of terminal... But let’s not jump to conclusions! After all, this is an airport, not a high school locker room. Next time you’re waiting for your flight, take a moment to appreciate the bold vision that went into this sculpture—and feel free to chuckle along with the rest of us!
Cute, but I bet it's still overpriced.

Ah, the holiday season—when everything feels a little more magical. The lights, the music, the festive cheer... and, apparently, the Christmas Kiwi Poo? Yes, you read that correctly. They’re chocolate-covered peanuts at the airport, and it goes by a name that might raise some eyebrows (and probably a few laughs).
It’s not just any “kiwi,” mind you. It’s Christmas Kiwi Poo—a festive twist on, well, whatever a kiwi poo might be. We’re not entirely sure what the creators had in mind, but one thing is certain: they’ve successfully packaged holiday whimsy and… digestive humor in a way only an airport shop could.
Someone should really tell him he can fly without a plane.

It looks like the little guy took a wrong turn on his way home. He looks lost, confused, and intrigued. I think he’s just as shocked to see people as people are to see him. Airports really are wild places for any manner of creature. Someone open a window so he can soar out of there!
Maybe it’s just here for a quick layover, or perhaps it’s a seasoned traveler who knows the best spots for a little rest before the next flight. Let’s just hope it doesn’t take a wrong turn and end up in the cockpit. The last thing we need is a bird running the flight deck!
This doesn't look suspicious at all...

What are they smuggling that saran wrap is needed? Is it meat, jewelry, or an exotic animal? Whatever it is, they didn’t do a good job staying undercover. They’re like lighthouses signaling to ships, but in this case, they’re alerting security guards of their nefarious misdeeds.
The airport is a very interesting place where odd and strange things occur, and this suspicious activity is no exception. Did they not think about how skeptical this looks? They had an idea and went with it, but was their plan a thought-out one…not in the slightest. Don't worry about alerting anyone if you see a couple of suspicious-looking suitcases covered in saran wrap. The guards can see them from across the terminal.
I hear it's high in fiber...

Ah, the joys of airport signage—guiding, instructing, and occasionally leaving us scratching our heads. Case in point: this clearly worded sign that leaves no room for confusion—Eating Carpet is Strictly Prohibited. While we’re sure this rule is intended for the well-being of both travelers and the carpet itself, we can’t help but wonder—what led to the creation of such a directive in the first place?
Was there an incident? A rogue traveler with a taste for textiles? Perhaps it was the result of an unusually daring set of airport pets? Whatever the backstory, we can all agree on one thing: this sign certainly adds a touch of flair to the airport’s collection of regulations.
Clearly fake because everyone knows TSA agents don't work that hard.

This is one of the most unrealistic things we’ve seen at an airport. We all know TSA agents do the bare minimum for their job. The last thing they’re going to do is cramp themselves into a box so they can rummage through some suspicious items.
And why is he brandishing undies for everyone to see? To top it off, he’s shining the flashlight on them as if they weren’t already bright enough for the entire airport to see. Maybe that’s what makes this realistic: the TSA agent embarrassing whoever is unfortunate enough to get their luggage confiscated.
Even planes have a sense of humor.

Well, it looks like we’ve just caught two planes in a rare moment of high-altitude hilarity! It’s not every day you see aircraft sporting such joyful expressions, but these two seem to be having a wingspan of a good time. Could they be sharing an aviation joke?
Whatever the reason for their apparent mirth, these planes clearly have a sense of humor. Perhaps they’re enjoying the view, or maybe they’re just thrilled to be back in the skies after a long maintenance check. Either way, they’re clearly showing that even in the world of aviation, a little laughter goes a long way.