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Each State Depicted by One Hilariously Accurate Photo

The United States of America is a special place. Each state has its own unique flair. Some states are so different from one another that it’s hard to believe they aren’t in different countries. 

If you had to sum up your state in just one sentence, what would you say? Well, we have gathered one hilarious photo to do the job. What’s life without being able to laugh at ourselves? 

Take a look at these 50 hiliarious photos that pretty much sum up each state and what it is known for. We promise you won’t stop laughing!



Everything about this picture screams ‘Alabama.’ This homemade fishing boat is made out of some blocks of wood, a lawn chair, and a car battery. 

Northerners may be confused by this interesting design, but the residents in Alabama take pride in this kind of creativity. 

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The only thing Delaware has going for them is that they were the first state of our country, oh and tax-free shopping. Not many people make Delaware their final destination, but if you’re driving through, make sure to at least do some tax-free shopping. 

They don't have much in the way of weather either so if all else fails, you can go sledding down some dirt.

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The state of Maine seems to be cut off from just about everyone else. Looking to get back to the mainland? You may just want to turn back around.

See? Even the trees are warning you to go back the way you came.

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Hawaii isn’t just beautiful beaches and clear blue water. The Aloha State is home to many active volcanoes and really expensive real estate. We are guessing this is just about the cheapest place you could get in the state.

I mean, $1450 isn't that bad for living in a tropical paradise, even if you have no utilities. At least you don't have to worry about your water bill.

(Image via Honolulu Magazine)



Come to Idaho, where everything is really old including all of the people there. You might as well wear your grandad's clothes if you want to fit in.

Of course, the thing that Idaho is best known for is its potatoes but we didn't want to be too predictable.

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This picture accurately sums up the state of Arkansas. There's not much to do except get outdoors and make up your own activities.

Don't have a motorboat? No problem, just pull it behind a pick-up truck.

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Oh, Nebraska. Normally on road trips there isn’t an issue finding a nearby gas station or rest stop. But apparently, that’s not the case in Nebraska. 

The Cornhusker State relies on making their own rest stops, entailing of nothing but a toilet and some piles of hay. Just make sure to bring your own toilet paper. 



Go big or go home, right? The folks in Missouri live by this motto and drive all sorts of monster trucks. They even jack up their school buses, apparently. 

I have to say, it would be a lot easier to get kids on the bus if all the school buses looked like this.

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Illinois’ crime rate as skyrocketed over the last decade, especially in Chicago. Because of Chicago police can now be seen driving intense-looking military tanks. Yikes!


This is funny but also not funny. It's both!

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We all know, Kansas is located in the heart of “Tornado Alley.” This helps explain why The Sunflower state suffers from over 50 of them a year! 

We all know Margaret Hamilton was the Wicked Witch and Miss Gulch and we all know the tornado watch and warning are pretty much the same thing.

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The great state of Alaska is known for its wilderness. It’s probably the only state you will have the chance to see two bears battle it out in the middle of the highway. 

Do those bears care that people are trying to go to work? No way. But nobody is going to dare break up that fight.

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In Wyoming, you'll find a whole lot of nothing but that also means a whole lot of peace and quiet which is what it's residents really love. So, if you find there's not really much to see in Wyoming, that's just the way they like it.

While Alaska has its fighting bears in the middle of the highways, Wyoming has it commuting buffalo that tend to take over the roads. It’s common for buffalo to cause some major traffic jams in Wyoming. If you're a fan of beef jerky, head on over to Wyoming. They have plenty of it to go around.

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Louisiana is home to over two million alligators; the biggest alligator population in the United States. Who wants dogs and cats as pets anymore? Let’s just get pet alligators! 

Of course, if you don't have a pet alligator and you see this wandering through your pet door, you're probably gonna wonder where Spot went.

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Maryland is renowned for having the worst drivers in the United States. Perhaps it’s because the state is on the Maxon-Dixie line, so it’s a mix of fast-paced northerners and slow-moving southerners. 

Probably the biggest rule when it comes to driver safety is not to let your car set fire but Maryland clearly struggles with this.

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Winters in Iowa are freezing cold! The average temperature in the winter months is only about 14 degrees Fahrenheit. Be prepared to freeze even with your thickest parka and your wool socks.

Yeah, it's pretty cold. You may not even have enough clothes for your visit.

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The beautiful state of Colorado is full of stunning mountains and some pretty interesting people. Known as the state of fresh air and free spirits. 

Colorado residents aren’t scared to let their freak flags fly. We wonder if it has anything to do with the legalization of marijuana?  

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Oregon, specifically Portland, is a hipster haven. The slogan of Portland is “Keep Portland Weird,” and boy they certainly do not have an issue living up to that motto. Oregon helps keep hipsterism alive. 

Jesus just be ridin' that subway to paradise.

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Nevada is known for its insanely liberal laws, and America’s adult playground, Las Vegas. The state welcomes the humblest people from every walk of life. 

You’re sure to meet gamblers, prostitutes, and drinkers but you won’t see a single lobster. We guess it’s important to have some restrictions in life but lobster, really? 

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Ah, the Hospitality State. The good ole people of Mississippi aren’t going to let you go hungry. 

They will invite you over for some delicious ribs that have been smoked for hours (maybe in a recycled toilet), but they sure are delicious! 

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Georgia is a hot, humid climate and doesn't really offer much in the way of snow.  This mudhole snowman just about sums it up.

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Unfortunately, Arizona ranks among the top 10 worst drivers in the US. But it's mostly just because they drive extremely fast. 

The state of Arizona is known to use humorous signs to hopefully get the attention of their drivers. Doubt it works, but good effort.

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Fact is, nearly every resident of Indiana has driven a tractor to high school at one point in his or her life. The state even has a day that is called, “drive your tractor to school day.” Can you imagine the blank stare you get when you mention this to someone who lives out of state? 

But one thing Indiana takes more seriously than anything is their corn. Please no angry reacts. You don't want any Indianans coming after you.

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When it comes to taxes, the state of Connecticut is quite unforgiving. Expect to get taxed the hell out of your paycheck.

Like that Grizzly, Connecticut is surely hungry for your income.

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Yep, that's about as hot as it's going to get. Suppose it's time to bring out the barbecue. 

Maybe go for a swim under the ice. They still never found Timmy, so maybe it's not a good idea.

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Kentucky is famous for a few different things, and as any Kentucky resident knows its not the chicken or the bourbon, but those Dollar Generals. 

There are a whopping 655 Dollar General stores in the state. That's a whole lot of cheap junk.

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New Hampshire

New Hampshire

Don't you worry; that road is eventually going to get fixed. Six years isn't that long, after all.

By the time it's fixed, your grandkids will be well ready to start driving.

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If you live in Michigan you better get used to the endless amounts of snow. Michigan experiences four to six months of winter -- always gray, always cold, and always snowy. 

Michigan be prayin' for that heat wave that's never going to come.

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Come election time, it certainly always feels like it's all about Ohio. But make no mistake, the world doesn't center around you, Ohio!

It is you. It's always been you.

(Image via EbaumsWorld)



Massachusetts drivers can get pretty crazy. Once there's a traffic jam, you could get stuck for a while. The streets are particularly crowded and finding a parking spot isn't so easy.

Ah, yes...this will do... 

What? It fits!

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The Green Mountain State is known for its hippy communities and its moose population. It looks like moose love to cool off on a hot summer day, just like us. 

The people in Vermont are known to be super friendly and relaxed. Obviously though, who else would let a moose cool of in their pool?

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Utah is an interesting state to say the least. It’s the birthplace of Mormonism, and well, you can see that from the car stickers you see here. 

Polygamy was extremely common in Utah back in the day, but today it’s not seen as much. But that doesn’t mean it still doesn’t exist. 

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North Dakota

North Dakota

North Dakota is an extremely rural state with miles and miles of farmland and a ton of snow. And certainly, not everyone can handle it.

The good news is that nobody can steal your car if they can't even get in your vehicle.

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Wisconsin certainly loves its dairy. While this may be a joke to you, for residents of Wisconsin this is an act of Communism.

How long are five pounds of butter even supposed to last them? Won't somebody think of the children?

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New Mexico

New Mexico

No resident of New Mexico can start their morning right without the official energy bar of the state.

Tamales are friggin' delicious and it seems that these guys are the only ones with the good stuff.

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West Virginia

West Virginia

Welcome to the great state of West Virginia where the potholes are so big you can practically take a dip in them. 

Sure, it would be nice to have an actual hot tub, and maybe to have the roads fixed...but don't be so picky!

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Oklahoma is never boring that's for certain. It's cold, then warm, and then cold again. It rains constantly for days on end and then they will have months of drought. They get snow, floods, earthquakes, and tornadoes! And honestly, that could all be in one day. 

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Minnesota is one of the most northern and coldest states in the nation. The state has an extremely long winter, lasting from November through March. Daylight is short and the nights are long. Sounds incredibly depressing, but at least they have a sense of humor. To make the best of the massive amounts of snow, the state is full of snowmen drinking beer. 

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Just another summer day in Western Pennsylvania, where the snow is typical but you still gotta mow your lawn. It's too bad the grass doesn't go into hibernation.

And if you look really closely, there are about four different seasons going on at once. Pick one!

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South Dakota

South Dakota

South Dakota certainly has a unique culture that's worth checking out...very briefly. 

Just don't expect to ever to be able to leave.

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South Carolina

South Carolina

South Carolina fulfills most of the stereotypes people have of the South: super conservative, heavy accents, very kind, and maybe just a tad redneck. 

The moms in South Carolina are extremely good at multi-tasking. Just look at how she can hold her child, drink her beer, and look good while doing it! 

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It's not really really Tennessee unless you have someone living in a  with an air conditioning unit.

We hope they have all the necessary plumbing as well, although we don't want to know where the toilet is to be quite frank.

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North Carolina

North Carolina

North Carolina is a beautiful state full of scenic drives and breathtaking landscapes. The state honestly has a lot going for it, but don't go in the water.

Unless you want to be the star of your very own Jaws movie, we recommend you go to safer waters.

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Rhode Island

Rhode Island

Rhode Island doesn't have a whole lot going on there but it's certainly a place with a viable supply of lobsters. 

And in your downtime, you can catch one of these live lobster fights. My money is on Larry. 

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New Jersey

New Jersey

If you’ve ever watched the show Jersey Shore, you know exactly what New Jersey is like. Jersey is home to fake tans and spikey, gelled-hair men. If you don’t follow suit, you don’t get into the clubs. 

So, make sure you get your hair gel and bronzer ready for your next trip to New Jersey. 

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Virginians are very friendly people until it comes to parenting. These people are less than forgiving when it comes to child discipline. 

And they seem to wear the badge proudly. I guess that's one way to get your kid's attention...

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Washington is a beautiful green state with a certainly lively culture but it's a little short on Sun.

It's usually pretty cloudly and you'll find there's plenty of rain. I mean, there's an actual rainforest there, so it shouldn't be much of a surprise.

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The Lone Star state is truly one-of-a-kind. Put on your wranglers, your boots, and your cowboy hat and jump on the back of a horse. Forget about cars, horses are the popular choice for transportation. 

You can even go through a Whataburger drive-thru on your horse and forget about gas stations. In Texas, they have horse fueling stations.

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New York

New York

New York can get pretty darn cold and even if it isn't the coldest state in the country, the weather can be quite jarring for our Southern friends.


Floridians are used to a warmer climate so perhaps wearing a few coats to seal in the heat and humidity would help.

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Some people call Florida America’s armpit, and well they aren’t necessarily wrong about that. Florida has a little bit of everything: retired people, Disney World, beaches, and well gators. The Sunshine State is known to have some of the most bizarre crimes committed by some of the strangest residents. 

The Sunshine State is known to have a prevalent population of gators. You never know when you might meet one on your doorstep. 

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Surfs up! More traffic accidents than you would expect involve surfboards in California. Everyone in The Golden State is either a surfer or a wannabe surfer. Note to self: don’t drive behind a car with a surfboard on its roof. 

That's some pretty gnarly car damage. Good thing insurance is a requirement for California drivers.

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