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The Ultimate Birdwatching Experience: A Visual Guide to Costa Rica's Birdlife

Acorn Woodpecker

Acorn Woodpecker
  • Genus: Melanerpes
  • Species: formicivorus
  • Unique Information: Known for storing acorns in tree bark and other wooden structures
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: North and Central America
Michael Lilley

American Dipper

American Dipper
  • Genus: Cinclus
  • Species: mexicanus
  • Unique Information: Known for its ability to walk underwater in search of food
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: North and Central America
Michael Lilley

Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Oriole
  • Genus: Icterus
  • Species: galbula
  • Unique Information: They are expert nest builders; the females weave intricate, pouch-shaped hanging nests that are suspended from the tips of tree branches
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: North and (winter) Central America
Michael Lilley

Black Guan

Black Guan
  • Genus: Chamaepetes
  • Species: unicolor
  • Unique Information: A large, mostly arboreal bird found in the highlands of Central America
  • Status: Rare
  • Geographical Range: Central America (Costa Rica and Panama)
Michael Lilley

Clay-Colored Thrush

Clay-Colored Thrush
  • Genus: Turdus
  • Species: grayi
  • Unique Information: Known for its melodic song, it is the national bird of Costa Rica
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: Central America (Mexico to northern South America)
Michael Lilley


  • Genus: Myioborus
  • Species: torquatus
  • Unique Information: Often seen flicking its tail, which shows off bright white and yellow underparts
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: Central America (Costa Rica and western Panama)
Michael Lilley

Emerald Toucanet

Emerald Toucanet
  • Genus: Aulacorhynchus
  • Species: prasinus
  • Unique Information: Small toucan species known for its emerald green plumage and distinctive bill
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: Central America (Mexico to Panama)
Michael Lilley

Flame-Colored Tanager

Flame-Colored Tanager
  • Genus: Piranga
  • Species: bidentata
  • Unique Information: Males are brightly colored with red and orange plumage, while females are more subdued
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: Central America and Mexico
Michael Lilley

Flame-Colored Tanager (female)

Flame-Colored Tanager (female)
  • Genus: Piranga
  • Species: bidentata
  • Unique Information: Females have olive-yellow plumage and play a significant role in nesting and rearing young
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: Central America and Mexico
Michael Lilley

Hairy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker
  • Genus: Leuconotopicus
  • Species: villosus
  • Unique Information: Notable for its black and white plumage and distinctively long bill
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: North and Central America
Michael Lilley

Lesser Violetear Hummingbird

Lesser Violetear Hummingbird
  • Genus: Colibri
  • Species: cyanotus
  • Unique Information: Despite their small size, they are known for their aggressive behavior and aerial chaces, especially when defending their feeding territories,
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: Central and South America, specifically high elevations
Michael Lilley

Long-Tailed Silky Flycatcher

Long-Tailed Silky Flycatcher
  • Genus: Ptilogonys
  • Species: caudatus
  • Unique Information: Has a distinctive long tail and feeds primarily on berries and insects
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: Central America (Costa Rica and western Panama)
Michael Lilley

Magnificent Hummingbird

Magnificent Hummingbird
  • Genus: Eugenes
  • Species: fulgens
  • Unique Information: Known for its impressive size and brilliant iridescent throat patch
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: North and Central America
Michael Lilley

Mountain Thrush

Mountain Thrush
  • Genus: Turdus
  • Species: plebejus
  • Unique Information: Commonly found in highland forests, known for its rich, melodious song
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: Central America (Costa Rica and western Panama)
Michael Lilley

Northern Tufted Flycatcher

Northern Tufted Flycatcher
  • Genus: Mitrephanes
  • Species: phaeocercus
  • Unique Information: Recognized by its prominent crest and active flycatching behavior
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: Central America and Mexico
Michael Lilley

Resplendent Quetzal

Resplendent Quetzal
  • Genus: Pharomachrus
  • Species: mocinno
  • Unique Information: Famous for its iridescent green feathers and long tail plumes; a national symbol of Guatemala
  • Status: Rare
  • Geographical Range: Central America (Mexico to Panama)
Michael Lilley

Rose-Breasted Grosbeak

Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
  • Genus: Pheucticus
  • Species: ludovicianus
  • Unique Information: Males are known for their striking red and black plumage and melodic song
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: North and Central America
Michael Lilley

Ruddy Tree-Runner

Ruddy Tree-Runner
  • Genus: Margarornis
  • Species: rubiginosus
  • Unique Information: Often seen climbing tree trunks in search of insects, similar to nuthatches
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: Central America (Costa Rica and western Panama)
Michael Lilley

Rufous Collared Sparrow

Rufous Collared Sparrow
  • Genus: Zonotrichia
  • Species: capensis
  • Unique Information: Widespread across Central and South America, easily recognized by its rufous collar
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: Central and South America
Michael Lilley

Silver-Throated Tanager (juvenile)

Silver-Throated Tanager (juvenile)
  • Genus: Tangara
  • Species: icterocephala
  • Unique Information: Juveniles have more subdued coloration compared to adults, gradually acquiring their vibrant plumage
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: Central America (Costa Rica and western Panama)
Michael Lilley

Silver-Throated Tanager

Silver-Throated Tanager
  • Genus: Tangara
  • Species: icterocephala
  • Unique Information: Named for its striking silver throat contrasted with bright yellow body
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: Central America (Costa Rica and western Panama)
Michael Lilley

Slaty Flower-Piercer

Slaty Flower-Piercer
  • Genus: Diglossa
  • Species: plumbea
  • Unique Information: Uses its hooked bill to pierce the bases of flowers to access nectar
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: Central America (Costa Rica and Panama)
Michael Lilley

Sooty-Capped Chlorospingus

Sooty-Capped Chlorospingus
  • Genus: Chlorospingus
  • Species: pileatus
  • Unique Information: They are known for their highly social nature, often moving in mixed-species flocks and teaming up with other small birds as they forage.
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: Central America (Costa Rica and Panama)
Michael Lilley

Talamanca Hummingbirds (female)

Talamanca Hummingbirds (female)
  • Genus: Eugenes
  • Species: spectabilis
  • Unique Information: Females have less colorful plumage compared to males but are equally agile
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: Central America (Costa Rica and Panama)
Michael Lilley

Talamanca Hummingbirds

Talamanca Hummingbirds
  • Genus: Eugenes
  • Species: spectabilis
  • Unique Information: Found in the highlands of Costa Rica and western Panama; formerly considered the same species as the Magnificent Hummingbird
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: Central America (Costa Rica and Panama)
Michael Lilley

Tropical Mockingbird

Tropical Mockingbird
  • Genus: Mimus
  • Species: gilvus
  • Unique Information: Unlike some bird species that are sensitive to habitat changes, they shown a remarkable ability to adapt to urban and suburban areas.
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: Mexico, Central & South America, and Caribbean Islands
Michael Lilley

Volcano Hummingbird

Volcano Hummingbird
  • Genus: Selasphorus
  • Species: flammula
  • Unique Information: Named for its habitat near volcanic peaks in Central America
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: Central America (Costa Rica and Panama)
Michael Lilley

Wilson's Warbler

Wilson's Warbler
  • Genus: Cardellina
  • Species: pusilla
  • Unique Information: Easily identified by its yellow body and distinctive black cap
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: North and Central America
Michael Lilley

Yellow-Thighed Finch

Yellow-Thighed Finch
  • Genus: Pselliophorus
  • Species: tibialis
  • Unique Information: Distinguished by its bright yellow thigh feathers
  • Status: Common
  • Geographical Range: Central America (Costa Rica and Panama)
Michael Lilley