It seems like every day, something new is coming out that will probably kill us. One of the most terrifying was the thought that roasted coffee can cause cancer. Yikes! I mean, that doesn’t stop us Americans from drinking an average of 2.1 cups per day. In fact, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t drinking from a cup of coffee right now. Thankfully, we don’t see a coffee ban any time soon. After all, it would cause massive riots.
However, there are some foods that we eat that are banned – not in the U.S., but in other countries. America has notoriously low standards for food, and we constantly hear about it on the news. Anyone who keeps up-to-date with this stuff may remember the Subway scare, where their bread supposedly contained a material that was used to make yoga mats. Funny enough, that chemical is banned in the European Union for causing all sorts of issues on people.
That isn’t the only chemical that’s banned elsewhere, but we eat it all the time. Here are 30 foods that Americans eat on a daily basis that may be killing us. You won’t be able to find these items in the EU for that very reason!
Mountain Dew isn’t the healthiest thing in the world, but it gets even worse when you add in brominated vegetable oil. This ingredient is flame-retardant and has been used in American sodas for decades. In some, it can cause skin lesions, memory loss, and nerve problems.
That’s exactly why Europe and Japan have banned it from all food and beverages. Coca-Cola and PepsiCo have promised to remove it from all drinks as of 2014 but still have yet to deliver on this promise.