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25 States Where No One Wants to Work

25. Arkansas

25. Arkansas

Number twenty five on the list of states where no one wants to work is Arkansas. With a job openings rate of 5.98% over the past year, the state is a true representation of a median state. The openings rate has decreased to 5.20% over the past month, signaling a slight uptick in employment. 

  • Population: 3.09 million
  • Unemployment Rate: 3.6%
  • # of Unemployed: 111,240
SeanPavonePhoto - stock.adobe.com

24. Wisconsin

24. Wisconsin

Wisconsin ranked number 24 out of all 50 states. At this point, we're in the median states, nothing too extreme. The state has a job openings rate of 5.30% over the latest month. That was slightly lower than its job openings rate of 5.84% over the last 12 months.

  • Population: 5.9 million
  • Unemployment Rate: 3.0%
  • # of Unemployed: 177,000
Downspec, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

23. Kentucky

23. Kentucky

Kentucky ranks number 23 of the states no one wants to work in. Its job openings rate over the latest month was 5.30%, but it exceeded that at 5.84% over the last 12 months, which is why it has made the list.

  • Population: 4.54 million
  • Unemployment Rate: 4.4%
  • # of Unemployed: 199,760
w_lemay, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

22. Alabama

22. Alabama

At number twenty-two on our list, Alabama is a median state for job opening rates. What does that look like? The rate over the past year was 5.78%, while the past month was 5.50%—a very tiny decrease in openings, but not much of a difference.

  • Population: 5.1 million
  • Unemployment Rate: 3.0%
  • # of Unemployed: 153,000
Jacob - stock.adobe.com

21. Tennessee

21. Tennessee

Tennessee has unfavorable numbers all around – at least if you are a manager trying to fill in positions at your place of business. The state had a job openings rate of 6.34% over the last 12 months and in the latest month it had a job openings rate of 5.30%. That's a decent improvement!

  • Population: 7.1 million
  • Unemployment Rate: 3.3%
  • # of Unemployed: 234,300
Brian Stansberry, CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

20. North Carolina

20. North Carolina

North Carolina is ranked twenty on the list because of its relatively moderate job openings rate over the past year—6.18%. The only reason it’s not ranked higher is that the rate for the past month has decreased significantly to 5.40%. Employers must be rejoicing right now.

  • Population: 11 million
  • Unemployment Rate: 3.5%
  • # of Unemployed: 385,000
zimmytws - stock.adobe.com

19. Minnesota

19. Minnesota

Minnesota graces the list in nineteenth among states where no one wants to work. It boasts a moderate job openings rate for the last month (5.50%) as well as the past year (6.13%). The numbers show that job openings are actually on the decline. This bodes well for employers!

  • Population: 5.76 million
  • Unemployment Rate: 2.7%
  • # of Unemployed: 155,520
Jacob - stock.adobe.com

18. Georgia

18. Georgia

Georgia has actually made significant strides in its job openings rate in the last month compared to the past year. This last month's rate was 5.50%, while the past year's was relatively high at 6.31%. Employers here must be feeling a little relieved.

  • Population: 3.72 million
  • Unemployment Rate: 3.1%
  • # of Unemployed: 104,532
Luciano Mortula-LGM - stock.adobe.com

17. Pennsylvania

17. Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania is nothing if not consistent and ranks seventeenth. The rates for job openings over the past year and last month are nearly identical—5.74% and 5.80%. Employers shouldn’t hold their breath waiting for an uptick in applicants.

  • Population: 13 million
  • Unemployment Rate: 3.4%
  • # of Unemployed: 442,000
Christian Hinkle - stock.adobe.com

16. Massachusetts

16. Massachusetts

Massachusetts is sixteenth on the list of states where no one wants to work because of the job openings rate over the past year—6.16%. However, this past month's rate has decreased to 5.60%, so maybe people are starting to apply for jobs again. 

  • Population: 7 million
  • Unemployment Rate: 2.9%
  • # of Unemployed: 203,000
Jacob - stock.adobe.com

15. North Dakota

15. North Dakota

North Dakota’s job openings rate was 5.80% over the latest month. Over the last 12 months, the job openings rate was at 6.01%, showing openings decreasing slightly.

  • Population: 789,000
  • Unemployment Rate: 2.0%
  • # of Unemployed: 15,780
formulanone from Huntsville, United States, CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

14. Wyoming

14. Wyoming

Wyoming had a job openings rate in the latest month of 5.80%. However, that's an improvement compared to the last 12 months' rate, at 6.11%. 

  • Population: 586,000
  • Unemployment Rate: 2.8%
  • # of Unemployed: 16,408
Tony Webster from Laramie, Wyoming, United States, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

13. Rhode Island

13. Rhode Island

Number thirteen is Rhode Island. The job openings rate for this past month is actually higher than the average for the past year—6.10% vs. 5.76%. Looks like Rhode Island wants to move up the list. 

  • Population: 1.1 million
  • Unemployment Rate: 3.9%
  • # of Unemployed: 42,900
Tupungato - stock.adobe.com

12. Virginia

12. Virginia

Virginia came in at number twelve for states no one wants to work, having retained a consistently high job openings rate over the course of a year. The state had a job openings rate of 6.00% in the latest month, down a tad from the 6.23% over the last 12 months.

  • Population: 8.75 million
  • Unemployment Rate: 3.0%
  • # of Unemployed: 262,500
Greyfiveys, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

11. West Virginia

11. West Virginia

West Virginia holds the number eleven spot, with job openings rate in the latest month at 5.70%. Its job opening rate over the course of the year was even higher at 6.88%. It averages out to be not a great state for employers looking to fill in job positions.

  • Population: 1.8 million
  • Unemployment Rate: 4.3%
  • # of Unemployed: 77,400
Carol M. Highsmith, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

10. Mississippi

10. Mississippi

Mississippi has had a higher job opening rate over the past year than some of the higher-ranked states, at 6.53%. However, last month’s rate was significantly lower than those higher-ranked states (5.90%), therefore placing Mississippi lower on the list.

  • Population: 2.94 million
  • Unemployment Rate: 3.1%
  • # of Unemployed: 91,140
SeanPavonePhoto - stock.adobe.com

9. Oklahoma

9. Oklahoma

With the latest month’s job openings rate at 6.20%, Oklahoma sits at nineth on our list of states where no one wants to work. The rate for the past year was slightly higher, at 6.21%.

  • Population: 4.1 million
  • Unemployment Rate: 3.6%
  • # of Unemployed: 147,600
Richard - stock.adobe.com

8. Louisiana

8. Louisiana

Louisiana's job openings rate was 6.10% in the latest month, down from 6.43% over the last 12 months. It's still ranked eighth among states no one wants to work in.

  • Population: 4.6 million
  • Unemployment Rate: 3.6%
  • # of Unemployed: 165,600
Tom Hilton, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

7. Delaware

7. Delaware

Delaware’s numbers may be great if you are looking for work, but not if you are an employer trying to run a business. Delaware has had a job openings rate of 6.30% over the latest month and a rate of 6.38% over the last 12 months.

  • Population: 1.04 million
  • Unemployment Rate: 4.0%
  • # of Unemployed: 41,600
Tim Kiser (User:Malepheasant), CC BY-SA 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons

6. Maryland

6. Maryland

Maryland makes the list at sixth, with a job openings rate of 6.40% in the latest month. That’s up a bit from the past twelve months when it was a rate of 6.38%. It's remained pretty consistent.

  • Population: 6.2 million
  • Unemployment Rate: 2.4%
  • # of Unemployed: 148,800
kuosumo - stock.adobe.com

5. Colorado

5. Colorado

Coming in hot at number five is Colorado. This state has had a pretty consistent job opening rate over the past year compared to this month—6.60% and 6.30%, respectively. No one wants to work and it seems it will be staying that way for a while. 

  • Population: 5.9 million
  • Unemployment Rate: 3.5%
  • # of Unemployed: 206,500
karagrubis - stock.adobe.com

4. New Mexico

4. New Mexico

New Mexico came in at number four on the list for its high job openings rate. Over the last 12 months, it had a job openings rate of 6.47%, which isn’t the worst we’ve seen on the list, but it's still not great. In the latest month, that number has slightly decreased to 6.40%. Maybe things are turning around. 

  • Population 2.1 million
  • Unemployment Rate: 3.9%
  • # of Unemployed: 81,900
Richard Smith, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

3. South Carolina

3. South Carolina

South Carolina has taken the number three spot for its high job openings rate over the last month and its even higher rate in the last 12 months. Its job openings rate over the course of a year was 6.82%, while its rate over the latest month was 6.40%.

  • Population: 5.2 million
  • Unemployment Rate: 3.1%
  • # of Unemployed: 161,200
Evanoco, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

2. Montana

2. Montana

Montana ranks second overall for states where no one wants to work. Its job openings rate for the latest month was 6.70%, and it was 6.54% for the last 12 months. Will that percentage continue to rise? Only time will tell.

  • Population: 1.1 million
  • Unemployment Rate: 3.4%
  • # of Unemployed: 38,182
Montanabw, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

1. Alaska

1. Alaska

It seems no one wants to work in Alaska. At the number three spot, Alaska has had a high job openings rate over the last 12 months—at a ridiculously high 7.41%. While that rate has dropped a little in the latest month, it's the worst in the country at 7.20%.

  • Population: 734,000
  • Unemployment Rate: 4.7%
  • # of Unemployed: 34,498
Jerzy Strzelecki, CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons