Even back in the very early 20th century, people new that riding a Harley was just about the coolest thing you could do. Of course, cars weren't as common back in 1910, and neither were Harleys, but of the 3,000+ Harley Davidson motorcycles on the streets, it was clear who belonged to the cool club.
Over the years, just about every bit of paraphernalia pertaining to motorcycle riding and the devil-may-care attitude it conveys have come to define the cool, bad-boy image of Hollywood and beyond as life imitates art. From leather jackets to studded accessories and dark shades, you always know cool when you see it.
The Coolest Celebrities Ride Them

Think of the coolest celebrity you know. Do they ride a Harley? Probably. And if Josh Brolin was exactly who you were thinking of, then we've just proven our point.
Despite all the glitz and glamour of Hollywood life, in the end, nothing beats the simplicity of the open road and the freedom that only a Harley can provide.
Popular Worldwide

The love of Harley-Davidson isn't just an American Phenomenon. They appreciate them plenty overseas as well. This photo taken in Austria proves just that.
In fact, do you know what motorcycle TE Lawrence died on in his infamous motorcycle accident? Well, it wasn't a Harley, and that's probably why he didn't make it.
Too soon?
It's the Best Way to Make Friends

Traveling in a Harley is one of the best ways to meet new people and make friends with like-minded individuals. You could even start a motorcycle gang and make lifelong friends, ride-or-die partnerships built to last.
That's not to say you should form an actual gang and commit felonies. That would be wrong. But you can still have plenty of fun within the confines of the law.
You Can Wear All Black

Riding a Harley means you can wear all the black clothing you want without being called emo or goth. And black is cool.
Black is the most flattering color, after all, and it goes with everything, so you never have to worry about what you are going to wear. And then there are the leather jackets. Do we need to say more?
Living off the Grid

Getting into the Harley life is a chance to live off the grid, ride the wave of life inconspicuously (unnoticed), and enjoy the freedom that only a Harley can provide.
Don't listen to the naysayers. It's not being homeless; it's just calling the open road your home - just as the road calls to you.
Safety is Still Cool

Unlike other modes of transportation like riding a bicycle, skateboarding, or rollerblading, you can always wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle and not look like a dweeb.
Riding a Harley with a cool helmet isn't just a safety requirement; it's a rite of passage. It's part of the entire experience of riding a motorcycle in the modern age.
The Freedom to Go Anywhere

A Harley can take you just about anywhere on god's good earth, whether on the asphalt or the unbeaten path.
There's nothing like feeling the breeze on your face as you travel about the country, taking in all of the world's majesty.
An American Legacy

Founded in 1903, Harley Davidson has helped define an entire subculture, helping to define generation after generation of true Americans, giving the proverbial middle finger to societal norms.
In truth, the only real way to show your support for America and everything it stands for is to ride a Harley. I'm just saying.
It's the Best Way to Beat the Summer Heat

Why sit in a blazing hot car-turned-oven in the summer when you could get some fresh air and feel the breeze all over you instead?
You won't have air conditioning, sure, but you won't need it either.
The Camraderie

The camaraderie you'll find in a motorcycle-riding partner is unparalleled. When you're out on the open road, navigating the twists and turns of life together, you develop a deep bond and trust that can be difficult to find elsewhere. There's a sense of shared adventure and risk-taking that brings people closer together.
Imagine someone being there for you through thick and thin, through every trial and tribulation, through every birthday and bar fight!
Finding True Love

Imagine a Harley Davidson as not just a motorcycle but as a vessel for finding true love. It may not happen as exactly as you imagined it, but along your journey of meeting new people on the road, your chances of finding your soulmate are increased exponentially.
Sure, sometimes opposites attract, but just as much, we attract what we put out into the world and that means we find like-minded people to build lasting relationships with.

It doesn't matter what you look like, where you are from, or what you do when you are living the Harley life; there's a certain sense of equality that comes with being a Harley rider.
There's a sense of belonging and togetherness that only the Harley life can afford. Your shared interest will be the middle ground, a foundation to establish potential new alliances that could potentially devolve into rivalry (but we won't get into that), but otherwise act as the starting point for friendship.
Living By A Different Set of Rules

In many cases, driving with flip-flops is not seen as safe. It could get jammed between the gas pedal or brake, affecting your ability to drive your car. There are no such rules on a motorcycle, anywhere. Is it the best idea? Probably not. But you do you!
In some places, like California, you don't even have to stay within the traffic lanes of the highway. You can drive right between them!
Festivals Galore

Motorcycle enthusiasts across the country flock to a variety of vibrant festivals each year. From the iconic Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota, drawing over 500,000 riders, to the Brackley festival in the UK, these events celebrate the spirit of the open road.
These exclusive festivals draw in like-minded Harley owners with a chance to see customized bikes, live music, stunt shows, and so much more! It's like a party that only bikers are invited to.
Customizing Your Ride

While you can customize a car just as much as you can customize a Harley, doing so can be a lot more expensive down to every detail.
Customizing a Harley is all part of the fun, and you don't have to spend an arm and a leg to do it. Living the Harley life is an art, and with art comes expression.
So Many Bikes to Choose From

With such an extensive legacy, there's a wide variety of Harley-Davidson motorcycles to collect from its past 100+ years of existence. This classic model shown in this photo is from 1923!
Whether you like the modern look or the classics, there are plenty of models to choose from, and no matter how old your Harley is or isn't, everyone will know you treat it with care - because it's a Harley, for goodness sake!
You're Never Too Old to Ride One

There's no age discrimination when it comes to the Harley life. You're never too late to start living the good life. See the movie Wild Hogs to learn more.
In fact, the average age of a Harley-Davidson rider is 50 years old, according to WorldMetrics.org. So, it seems that with age, comes wisdom and the appreciation for the finer things in life.
A Chance to Accessorize

Accessorizing a motorcycle is an important aspect of customizing your ride and expressing your personal style. Beyond the functional gear like helmets, jackets, and boots, there are countless ways to add some flair and personality to your bike.
Whether you are matching your helmet with the color scheme of your bike or customizing your wheels to look more menacing, there are so many ways to infuse your colorful personality.
Family Bonding Time

Riding a Harley is more than just a chance to meet new people; it's also a chance to spend some quality time with people who are already in your life.
Whether you are getting to know your children better or going on that father-daughter weekend you promised long ago, it's never too late to strengthen the most important connections in your life. Harley-Davidson - bringing families together since 1903.