The United Kingdom recently issued a travel advisory stating that the United States is "an extremely diverse society" in regards to its attitudes toward the LGBT community. That kinda hurts, but it's also not unfair. This made us think about what other warnings there might be about traveling to America and whether they have any basis in reality or not. Here's what we found!
The United Kingdom Warns: Take Out Health Care Insurance
This one makes sense. The United States is one of the only developed countries in the world that doesn't have universal healthcare in some form or fashion. In the UK, healthcare is offered as a public service, and while each country within the UK handles things differently, the thought of having to pay for necessary care is completely foreign to them. For this reason, the government recommends taking out "comprehensive travel and medical insurance before you travel." Granted, we aren't the only country they recommend insurance for, but treating a stomach bug in California is their first example of the importance of insurance when traveling.
Russia Warns: Don't Get Murdered
The Russian Foreign Ministry points out that the U.S. has one of the highest proportions of imprisoned citizens in the developed world. Most people in the U.S. use this fact to argue for prison reform or new drug laws. The Russians, on the other hand, seem to take it as a sign that crime is everywhere. They describe our "very high level of killings" as "noteworthy" and add that "In some parts of the country, especially in abandoned areas within large cities, most people prefer to keep their doors closed and not to go out alone at night."
China Warns: Don't Flash Those Stacks
China's informational page on traveling to the U.S. has a heading called "Personal Security Precautions." It has no fewer than 13 separate items on it! Almost all of those items have to do with not carrying large amounts of cash, not wearing expensive jewelry in remote areas, and not leaving visible valuables in the car. We're not sure if there's any place where you would want to do those things, so either they're just trying to cover all their bases extra carefully, or they've seen too many mob movies.
France Warns: Don't Suntan Topless
France's travel advisories get a little insulting, warning travelers about specific neighborhoods in specific cities to avoid. For instance, they recommend that you be "vigilant" traveling in Downtown, South, and East Houston, central Detroit, and the northeast suburbs of Cleveland. (That one was a lot more specific until the mayor of Cleveland Heights complained.) They also warn you not to use a credit card since ours are so insecure. They even stress that you should not walk around the beach in a topless bathing suit, which...okay?
Germany and Switzerland Warn: Keep Your Clothes On
Our unique attitudes toward nudity garner us some attention overseas. Switzerland notes that bathing without a suit is forbidden even for children, and urinating on a public road counts as indecency. Germany likewise reminds its citizens that nudity still counts as nudity, even if you're on the beach.
Basically Everyone Warns: Watch Out for Guns
France warns its travelers that if you see someone carrying a gun, remember that it may be legal and try to stay calm. Canada warns that "The possession of firearms and the frequency of violent crime are generally more prevalent than in Canada...particularly from dusk to dawn." (Which sort of makes us sound like vampires, but okay.) Germany cautions that "It is relatively easy to obtain possession of weapons" and advises those who are robbed at gunpoint not to fight back. Basically reading through other countries' travel advisories makes the U.S. sound like a heat-packing hellscape! But they're exaggerating, right?