31 Countries That Hate Americans


Land of the free, home of the brave. The country of dreams. Everyone wants to live in the USA, right? Okay, well, everyone at least thinks Americans are great...right? Maybe not. Guess it really is impossible to please everybody.

When nations hate Americans for one reason or another, it can cause some tension and problems. American ideals, politicians, habits, attitudes, and a plethora of other topics can lead to members of a foreign country harboring a deep hatred or distrust of America, and honestly, some of those feelings are justified.

Today, we're taking a look at some of those countries that can't stand Americans. Maybe these shouldn't be near the top of your vacation bucket list! 

Note: All statistics included in this article are from the Pew Research Center, a non-partisan public opinion research organization, and several other sources—which are all listed throughout.

Debt-ridden Greece finds it difficult to embrace any American message of hope, as shown by the 63% unfavorable rating on the Pew Research survey. One recurring complaint among Greek natives has to do with public drinking. They tend to look down upon people who really let themselves go in public—which is exactly what a lot of young American tourists do when they visit. Greek natives feel disrespected by this sort of behavior, particularly in historical sites or other places full of spiritual and cultural significance. 


This does not mean that Americans are not welcome, but it does mean that partiers should be mindful of their surroundings and the impression they are making on local communities. In an effort to bridge the gap between these two cultures, many organizations have been started to educate travelers about proper etiquette while overseas. By connecting with locals and showing a willingness to learn more about their culture and history, visitors can start to show Greeks that there is still hope for meaningful interaction between Americans and Greeks alike.


Did you know...

  • Taking a vacation is good for your health! Studies have shown that a vacation can help to lower your risk of heart disease. It's also a proven way to improve your creativity. So if you have some writer's block or need to lower your stress, grab a friend and go on an adventure!
  • Jet lag is worse when you're traveling from west to east. That's because the changes in time zones become not only more physically apparent on your body, but they are also more culturally apparent. If restaurants close at 10pm on the East Coast, you'll just be getting hungry since it will feel like 7pm on your West Coast-adjusted body.
  • You've heard of the phrase "wanderlust," but do you know the German word "fernweh"? It means "far sickness" or an intensely strong urge to travel. The next time you feel the need to head out on a road trip, you've got a case of fernweh. And the only cure is to travel somewhere new!
  • The surface area of Pluto is just under 6.5 million square miles. The CIA Factbook lists the area of Russia to be just over 6.6 million square miles. That makes Russia bigger than Pluto (and much closer to visit). Are you still very upset that Pluto isn’t a planet anymore?
  • The longest flight in the world is between Singapore and Newark, New Jersey. Depending on which way you're flying, it takes around 18.5 hours to complete the 9,534 miles of the journey. The flight is so long that it doesn't even have an economy class. Only first-class and business-class arrangements are offered.