50 Least-Healthy Cities in the World


About 30% of the world's population (2 billion people) suffer from obesity and being overweight, both of which broadly refers to abnormal excess body fat. The weight problem has become a dangerous threat to global health and can lead to a multitude of future health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, depression, respiratory problems, cancer, and so much more. Obesity doesn't just affect developing or developed nations, it affects every country on the planet in one form or another and poses a significant health risk to people from around the world as obesity causes an estimated 2.8 million deaths a year.

So, what causes obesity? At a basic level, obesity is caused by an imbalance in caloric intake and expenditure. By taking in more calories than are being burned, obesity is a possibility. Of course, this is only something to worry about if you do it often, occasional lazy days or eating a little too much happens. The pandemic has been exacerbated due to the increased intake of energy-dense food that's high in fat and an increase in inactivity across the globe which adds to the pandemic we're seeing.

Obviously, there are places where we see this more right? There have been countless studies conducted in various countries to determine just how their own cities stack up in comparison to others around the globe. There have been tons of papers and articles written on the unhealthiest countries in the world, but where exactly are they?

McAllen, TX

They say everything's bigger in Texas, and I guess that includes people waistbands. The McAllen metropolitan area has the highest percentage of obese and physically inactive adults and the third-highest percentage of diabetic adults in the United States. It is also ranked as the fattest city in the United States.


Did you know...

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  • Jet lag is worse when you're traveling from west to east. That's because the changes in time zones become not only more physically apparent on your body, but they are also more culturally apparent. If restaurants close at 10pm on the East Coast, you'll just be getting hungry since it will feel like 7pm on your West Coast-adjusted body.
  • The surface area of Pluto is just under 6.5 million square miles. The CIA Factbook lists the area of Russia to be just over 6.6 million square miles. That makes Russia bigger than Pluto (and much closer to visit). Are you still very upset that Pluto isn’t a planet anymore?
  • The largest pool in the world can be found at the San Alfonso del Mar resort in Chile. It has 66 million gallons (enough water to fill 100 Olympic-sized pools). It's 3,323 feet in length, over twice the length of the next biggest pool. At a cost of $3,000,000, that sounds like a pretty good deal.
  • You've heard of the phrase "wanderlust," but do you know the German word "fernweh"? It means "far sickness" or an intensely strong urge to travel. The next time you feel the need to head out on a road trip, you've got a case of fernweh. And the only cure is to travel somewhere new!